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I love FALL!!!

For me, this is an extra special November! This is where all my work, from most of the year, comes together. The seeds I sewed in May, June, are flowering now in this final month before the Day of Giving and Thanks. I am getting a lesson in serendipity.

And the real lesson is, its not serendipity. It's not by chance. This is the evidence of Spirit's work in my life. I read, occasionally, from a 'nighty reader' style book called Meditations from the Mat, by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison. I was taking advantage of a baby-free day provided by my mother and cleaning my house yesterday, and I picked it up for inspiration. I opened to a random page, and this is the quote that was staring back at me:

"Everything in life is pointing you back to your true self."

And what followed was a passage about how as soon as you put Spirit at the top of your priority list, your life falls into place in the most perfectly beautiful way. How for him, personally, it took a few seasons. Mine has been a slower upturn, a few years. But the last few months and then weeks have been like a snowball gaining momentum. As soon as I committed to the path that Spirit wanted me to take, instead of fighting for the life I thought I wanted, everything fell into place. Things are still not perfect. I still have bills that I have no money for and fights with my husband; I still have fears and I still have to fight through them. But the biggest shift is--I no longer see these things as problems. They are now lessons, they are spiritual practice, they are yoga. Every day, every interaction, every single moment is an opportunity to choose love or distruction. When my son is crying, I'm learning patience with young soul who hasn't figured out how to communicate or even understand his needs. When my husband is frustrated, I'm learning to accept his process of learning, and how to get out of the way and allow him to learn--a lesson I'm sure will come in handy when my son is a teenager. I know that it seems so cliche, but the reality is that every moment is practice.

On and Off the Mat.

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